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XXe Siecle Revue Artistique: Gualtieri di San Lazzaro - Paris - The Art of the 20th Century 


The XXe PANORAMA Magazine , The XXe HOMMAGE Series

The Sicilian writer, journalist, art critic, art publisher, gallerist and art dealer Gualtieri di San Lazzaro (1904-1974) arrived at Paris for the first time in 1924 and stayed there until the breakout of World War II. San Lazzaro got acquainted with the most important artists who lived and worked in that time in Montmartre and Montparnasse including Picasso, Matisse and Chagall and decided to devote his career to the promotion of modern art. The interesting story of his life covers half a century of intensive writing, publishing and dealing with contemporary art which came to its peak in the beginning of the 50s when Lazzaro returned to Paris and resumed the publishing of his renowned XXe Siecle art magazine.


The logo of the XXe Siecle art magazine by Gualtieri di San Lazzaro - Paris

The logo of the XXe Siecle art magazine and publication house

The first issue of the XXe Siecle magazine was published by San Lazzaro in 1938 as an offshoot of the Chroniques du Jour art magazine which he edited and published in Paris since 1925. Lazzaro's innovative idea was to combine the publication of an art journal with the inclusion of original graphics and lithographs of famous artists and thus to create an editorial product which is informative for art lovers as well as valuable for art collectors. Lazzaro published 4 issues of the XXe Siecle art magazine between 1938 and 1939 but had to stop the operation due to the burst of the war. He later moved back to Italy.

In 1949, 5 years after the end of the war, Lazzaro returned to Paris and two years later, in 1951, he initiated the re-publishing of the XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie  (The New Series) which was renovated in its graphic design and format but followed the same formula developed in 1938 - disseminating art analysis and art critics content and, at the same time, necklace each issue with original lithographs made by the greatest European masters of the twentieth century.


XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie - PANORAMA

As of 1968, the issues of the series gained an additional title - PANORAMA. You are invited to have a look at a beautiful collection of the best XXe Siecle PANORAMA issues published between the years 1966-1974 which is presented here:

XXe Siecle 1966 No 26: Lithographies Originales - Marc Chagall - Vieira Da Silva - מרק שאגל - וירה דה סילבה - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 26 XXe Siecle 1966 No 26: Lithographies Originales - Marc Chagall - Vieira Da Silva - מרק שאגל - וירה דה סילבה - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle 1967 No 28: Miro - Marino Marini - Original Lithographs - חואן מירו - מרינו מריני - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 28 XXe Siecle 1967 No 28: Miro - Marino Marini - Original Lithographs - חואן מירו - מרינו מריני - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 68 No 30: Marino Marini - Maurice Esteve - Original Lithographs - מוריס אסטיב - מרינו מריני - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 30 XXe Siecle Panorama 68 No 30: Marino Marini - Maurice Esteve - Original Lithographs - מוריס אסטיב - מרינו מריני - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1968 No 31: Joan Miro - Serge Poliakoff - Original Lithographs - חואן מירו - סרג' פוליאקוב - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 31 XXe Siecle Panorama 1968 No 31: Joan Miro - Serge Poliakoff - Original Lithographs - חואן מירו - סרג' פוליאקוב - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1969 No 32: Original Lithographs - Sonia Delaunay - Andre Masson - סוניה דלוני - אנדרה מסון - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 32 XXe Siecle Panorama 1969 No 32: Original Lithographs - Sonia Delaunay - Andre Masson - סוניה דלוני - אנדרה מסון - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1970 No 34: Original Lithographs - Mark Chagall - Pierre Soulages - מרק שאגאל - פייר סולאג' - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 34 XXe Siecle Panorama 1970 No 34: Original Lithographs - Mark Chagall - Pierre Soulages - מרק שאגאל - פייר סולאג' - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1970 No 35: Original Lithographs - Marino Marini - Anna-Eva Bergman - מרינו מריני - אנה-אוה ברגמן - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 35 XXe Siecle Panorama 1970 No 35: Original Lithographs - Marino Marini - Anna-Eva Bergman - מרינו מריני - אנה-אוה ברגמן - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1971 No 36: Original Lithography by Henry Moore - Cover: Sonia Delaunay - סוניה דלוניי - ליטוגרפיה - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 36 XXe Siecle Panorama 1971 No 36: Original Lithography by Henry Moore - Cover: Sonia Delaunay - סוניה דלוניי - ליטוגרפיה - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1971 No 37: Original Lithographs - Alexander Calder - Zao Wou-Ki - Yaacov Agam - אלכסנדר קלדר - זאו וו קי - יעקב אגם - ליטוגרפיות

XXe Siecle 37 XXe Siecle Panorama 1971 No 37: Original Lithographs - Alexander Calder - Zao Wou-Ki - Yaacov Agam - אלכסנדר קלדר - זאו וו קי - יעקב אגם - ליטוגרפיות

XXe Siecle Panorama 1972 No 38: Original Lithographs - Andre Masson - Graham Sutherland - אנדרה מאסון - גרהם סאתרלנד - ליטוגרפיות - Click to Zoom

XXe Siecle 38 XXe Siecle Panorama 1972 No 38: Original Lithographs - Andre Masson - Graham Sutherland - אנדרה מאסון - גרהם סאתרלנד - ליטוגרפיות - Art Book

XXe Siecle Panorama 1973 No 40: Original Lithographs by Marino Marini, Johnny Friedlaender, Robert Motherwell and Jasper Johns - Richard Lindner

XXe Siecle 40 XXe Siecle Panorama 1973 No 40: Original Lithographs by Marino Marini, Johnny Friedlaender, Robert Motherwell and Jasper Johns - Richard Lindner

XXe Siecle Panorama 1974 No 42: Original Lithographs - Max Ernst - Richard Lindner - Dorothea Tanning - Cover: Surrealism Tarot Cards - Andre Berton

XXe Siecle 42 XXe Siecle Panorama 1974 No 42: Original Lithographs - Max Ernst - Richard Lindner - Dorothea Tanning - Cover: Surrealism Tarot Cards - Andre Berton


Content of XXe Siecle PANORAMA issues:

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 26 - PANORAMA Mai 1966

Illustration on front cover by Marc Chagall; 2 original lithographs by Marc Chagall (on a double page) and by Vieira Da Silva. Topics: Les maitres de l'imaginaire, Marc Chagall, Inventaire des Arts Primitifs, Portes a reliefs d'Afrique occidentale, La ville (1907 - 1917), Les grandes etapes de l'art contemporain, Les grandes Biennales 1965 and more. 174 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 26 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 28 - PANORAMA Juin 1967

Painting on front cover by Juan Miro. 2 original lithographs by Juan Miro (on 3 pages) and by Marino Marini. Topics: Bilan de l'Art Abstrait dans le monde, Juan Miro, Les 80 ans de Marc Chagall, Marino Marini, Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst and more. 162 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 28 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 30 - PANORAMA Juin 1968

Illustration on front cover by Alberto Magnelli. 2 original lithographs by Marino Marini (on double page) and by Maurice Esteve. Topics: Pablo Picasso, Paul Delvaux, Alberto Magnelli, Emile Gilioli, Juan Miro, Olivier Debre, Antoni Tapies, Zoran Krzisnik and more. 154 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 30 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 31 - PANORAMA Decembre 1968

Illustration on front cover by Juan Miro. 2 original lithographs by Juan Miro and by Serge Poliakoff. Topics: Pablo Picasso. Hans Hartung. Sonia Delaunay. Man Ray. Alicia Penalba. Pietro Cacella. Giuseppe Capogrossi. Ben Nicholson and more. 152 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 31 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 32 - PANORAMA Juin 1969

Illustration on front cover by Jean Dubuffet. 2 original lithographs by Sonia Delaunay and Andre Masson. Topics: Bauhaus, Jean Dubuffet, Andre Masson, Jean-Robert Ipousteguy, Eduardo Chillida, Max Bill,  Francois Pluchart, Marino Marini, Osvaldo Licini, Lucio Fontana, Etienne Hajdu, Yves Klein, Pete Mondrian, Jean Corot and more. 158 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 32 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 34 - PANORAMA Juin 1970

Illustration on front cover by Mark Rothko. 2 original lithographs by Mark Chagall and Pierre Soulages. Topics: L'exposition des artistes Americain, Marc Chagall, Victor Vasarely, Emile Gilioli, Pierre Soulages, Alberto Magnelli, Alfred Manessier, Franco Gentilini, Roberto Crippa, Sonia Delaunay and more. 186 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 34 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 35 - PANORAMA Decembre 1970

Illustration on front cover by Man Ray. 2 original lithographs by Marino Marini and Anna-Eva Bergman. Topics: Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Henry Moore, Graham Sutherland, Man Ray, Juan Miro, Tantric Sculptures of Dorothea Tanning, Lucio Fontana, Serge Poliakoff, Mario Marini, Anna Eva Bergman, Julio Gonzalez, Cesar, Bona de Mandiargues, Edouard Pignon, Rene Magritte and more. 174 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 35 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 36 - PANORAMA Juin 1971

Illustration on front cover by Sonia Delaunay. Original Lithography by Henry Moore. Topics: Henry Moore, Vladimir Kandinsky, Sonia Delaunay, Andre Beaudin, Dino Buzzati, Zao Wou-Ki, Aglae Liberaki, Jacques Lipchitz, Alain Le Yaouanc, Leon Gischia, Andy Warhol, Asger Jorn, Marino Marini and more. 180 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 36 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 37 - PANORAMA Decembre 1971

Illustration on front cover by Alexander Calder. Original Lithographs by Alexander Calder and Zao Wou-Ki. Serigraph by Yaacov Agam. Topics: Alexander Calder, Hans Hartung, Joan Miro, Nadia Leger, Naum Gabo, Philippe Hosiasson, Yaacov Agam, Alberto Magnelli and more. 184 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 37 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 38 - PANORAMA Juin 1972

Illustration on front cover by Graham Sutherland. Original Lithographs by Andre Masson and Graham Sutherland. Topics: Andre Masson, Hans Bellmer, Enrico Baj, Francis Bacon, Brassai Gyula Halasz, Pablo Cargallo, Jean Bazaine, Graham Sutherland, Marc Chagall, Pete Mondrian and more. 196 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 38 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 40 - PANORAMA Juin 1973

Illustration on front cover by Richard Lindner. Original Lithographs by Marino Marini, Johnny Friedlaender, Robert Motherwell and Jasper Johns. Topics: US Art I, Marino Marini, Kurt Schitters, Alberto Magnelli, Ossip Zadkine, Antoni Tapies, Pol Bury, Max Bill, Johnny Friedlaender, Robert Motherwell, Ashile Gorky, Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, Joseph Cornell, Willem de Kooning, Sam Francis, Joan Mitchell, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Saul Steinberg, Richard Lindner, Pop Art, American Sculpture, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, Fritz Glarner, Carlo Sergio Signori, Andre Verdet, Sam Szafran, Antonio del Guerico, Anne and Patric Poirier and more. 196 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 40 Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie No 42 - PANORAMA Juin 1974

Illustration on front cover: Tarot playing cards by Andre Breton, Rene Char, Oscar Dominguez, Victor Brauner, Max Ernst, Jacques Herold, Wilfredo Lam, Andre Masson and Benjamin Peret. Original Lithographs by Max Ernst, Richard Lindner and Dorothea Tanning. Topics: Large exhibitions in museums and galleries in France and the world, Maurice Esteve, Richard Lindner, Olivier Debre, Robert Lebel, Pierre Volboudt, Alain Jouffroy, Lascault Gilbert, Andre Pieyre of Mandiargues, Andre Breton, Pierre Restany, Surrealism and more. 184 pages, text in French. Click here for PANORAMA No 42 Table of Content.


XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie - PANORAMA - the original 1/4 page paper sleeve wrap

Each issue of the XXe Siecle in this collection comes with the original 1/4 page paper sleeve wrap with summary of content

העיתונאי והסופר הסיציליאני גולטיירי די סן לזרו Gualtieri di San Lazzaro הגיע לצרפת בפעם הראשונה ב-1924, התערה בחוגי האמנים שפעלו אז בפריז והתידד אישית עם גדולי הציירים והפסלים של עולם האמנות המודרנית של המאה העשרים. את הקריירה שלו כמו"ל החל עוד לפני מלחמת העולם השניה כאשר ערך והפיק את הז'ורנל הפאריזאי לעניני אמנות Chroniques du Jour. ב-1938 הפיק סן לזרו מספר גליונות נסיוניים של המגזין החדשני "המאה העשרים" XXe Siecle אך נאלץ לעצור פעילות זו עם פרוץ מלחמת העולם השנייה וכיבוש פריז ע"י הגרמנים ב-1939.

לאחר המלחמה חזר סן לזרו לפריז ובתחילת שנות ה-50 החל את מפעלו החשוב ביותר - ההוצאה לאור מחדש של המגזין לאמנות XXe Siecle. הסדרה החדשה, או כפי שנקראה בצרפתית La Nouvelle Serie הודפסה בפורמט גדול ומהודר ובכריכה קשה. בכל עותק שולבו ליטוגרפיות מקוריות שהוכנו במיוחד למגזין של סן לזרו על ידי האמנים המובילים של המאה העשרים והודפסו על נייר משובח לצד מאמרים, ראיונות וסקירות ביקורתיות שהציגו את המידע העדכני ביותר על הנעשה בחזית האמנות המודרנית של המאה העשרים. השילוב של חומר מערכתי משובח, צילומים, רפרודוקציות באיכות מעולה וליטוגרפיות אורגינליות וייחודיות של אמנים ידועי שם, זכה להצלחה מדהימה והמגזין XXe Siecle המוכר גם בשמו המשני פנורמה PANORAMA הפך לפרסום נחשק ובעל ערך הן למומחים והסטוריונים של אמנות והן לאספנים ולאוהבי האמנות המודרנית החזותית.

סן לזרו עצמו פילס דרכו אל מרכז הבמה של סוחרי האמנות האירופאים, הפך לנציגם הנלהב ולעיתים הבלעדי של אמני אסכולת פריז המודרנית Modern School of Paris ושל המודרניסטים האיטלקיים ולגורם מתווך, ממריץ ומקדם שהותיר חותמו על האמנות המודרנית של המאה העשרים. עם חברים כמו מרק שאגאל, וירה דה סילבה, חואן מירו, מרינו מריני, מוריס אסטיב, גרהם סאתרלנד, סרג' פוליאקוב, פאבלו פיקסו, סוניה דלוני, אנדרה מסון, פייר סולאג', אנה אוה ברגמן, אלכסנדר קלדר, ג'וני פרידלנדר, רוברט מאתרוול, ג'ספר ג'ונס, ריצ'רד לינדנר, זאו וו קי, יעקב אגם, ריצ'רד לינדנר, מקס ארנסט ודורותיאה טנינג, תענוג לעשות עסקים.

The XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie AKA the XXe Siecle PANORAMA series was published until the death of San Lazzaro in 1974 at a rate of two issues per year. The issues, dedicated exclusively to the latest trends in contemporary art, were profusely illustrated, published in a large hardcover format on high quality paper and included embedded original lithographs by the leading artists of the 20th century: Marino Marini, Henry Moore, Maurice Esteve, Pablo Picasso, Graham Sutherland, Juan Miro, Johnny Friedlaender, Max Ernst, Richard Lindner, Dorothea Tanning, Anna-Eva Bergman, Robert Motherwell, Jasper Johns, Serge Poliakoff, Alexander Calder, Vieira Da Silva, Zao Wou-Ki, Yaacov Agam, Sonia Delaunay, Andre Masson, Mark Chagall and Pierre Soulages to name a few. 

Hardcover: Several issues extensively illustrated with numerous b/w and color in text and full-page illustrations as well as original lithographs 
Publisher: Cahiers d'art publies sous la direction de G. di San Lazzaro, Paris; First Edition (PANORAMA 1966-67-68-69-70-71-72-73-74)
Language: French with appended articles' summaries in English.

Price: Call

History of Art Books and Albums - List 1
History of Art Books and Albums - List 2
"Art of the Sixties" - 5th Revised Edition - The Ludwig Collection


XXe Siecle Numero Special - HOMMAGE A

In 1969 Gualtieri di San Lazzaro initiated the publication of the XXe Siecle Special Issue Homage To (Numero Special Hommage a) series - the first issue in the series was dedicated to Marc Chagall who was a close friend of San Lazzaro.

Each of the art books in the "Homage To" series was dedicated to one of the great artists of the 20th century - Picasso, Matisse, Kandinsky, Chagall, Moore, Leger, Ernst, Miro and Rouault just to name a few. The albums were profusely illustrated with many unique color reproductions and photographs; the texts in the books which include essays, reminiscences, artist's monographs, critic articles and exclusive interviews which covered the artist's oeuvre, were written by the most renown art historians, art critics and artists of that important era in art.


The XXe Siecle Hommage a series - Homage to by Gualtieri di San Lazzaro

The logo of the XXe Siecle Hommage a series

The beautiful art books in the Hommage collectors' series were published in a luxurious hardcover format between the years 1969 - 1974 and distributed independently of the PANORAMA magazine subscription program. Some of the albums were translated to English and distributed to collectors in England and the USA by local publishing houses such as the Tudor Publishing CO of New York. San Lazzaro replicated the successful recipe of the PANORAMA magazine by accompanying each issue of the "Hommage To" series with embedded original print works of the artist - lithographs, woodcuts and linoleum cuts which were printed on high quality paper.

This rare collection of art books includes some of the best art albums of the 20th century. Our copies are in a very good condition, all of them are accompanied with original print works - you are invited to click on the thumbnails of the books and have a look at the book's front cover and the detailed table of contents of each of the albums.

XXe Siecle Hommage a Georges Rouault with Original Lithographs - גורג' רואו - Click to Zoom

Georges Rouault XXe Siecle Hommage a Georges Rouault - גורג' רואו - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Henry Moore with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של הנרי מור - Click to Zoom

Henry Moore XXe Siecle Homage to Henry Moore with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של הנרי מור - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Joan Miro with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של חואן מירו - Click to Zoom

Joan Miro XXe Siecle Homage to Joan Miro with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של חואן מירו - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Fernand Leger with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של פרננד לג'ה - Click to Zoom

Fernand Leger XXe Siecle Homage to Fernand Leger with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של פרננד לג'ה - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Pablo Picasso with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של פבלו פיקאסו - Click to Zoom

Pablo Picasso XXe Siecle Homage to Pablo Picasso with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של פבלו פיקאסו - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Max Ernst with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של מקס ארנסט - Click to Zoom

Max Ernst XXe Siecle Homage to Max Ernst with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של מקס ארנסט - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Marc Chagall with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של מרק שאגאל - Click to Zoom

Marc Chagall XXe Siecle Homage to Marc Chagall with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של מרק שאגאל - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Henri Matisse with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של הנרי מאטיס - Click to Zoom

Henri Matisse XXe Siecle Homage to Henri Matisse with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של הנרי מאטיס - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle Homage to Wassily Kandinsky with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של וסילי קנדינסקי - Click to Zoom

Wassily Kandinsky XXe Siecle Homage to Wassily Kandinsky with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של וסילי קנדינסקי - Art Book with Original Lithographs

XXe Siecle - Chagall Monumental - Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של מארק שאגאל - Click to Zoom

Mark Chagall XXe Siecle - Chagall Monumental - Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של מארק שאגאל - Art Book with Original Lithographs


Content of XXe Siecle HOMMAGE special issues:

XXe Siecle Homage to Marc Chagall - 1969

The introduction to this amazing art book was written by Marc Chagall. In addition there are many articles by authors such as Mircea Eliade, Camille Bourniquel, San Lazzaro, Dora Vallier, Manuel Gasser, Charles Marq, Maurice Cauchy, J.-J. Leveque, Robert Marteau, Denis Milhau, Gilbert Lascault, Andre Verdet and Jacques Thirion. The book includes an original color lithograph by Mark Chagall and many illustrations and photographs of the works of the artist. 124 pages, text in English. Click here for Homage to Marc Chagall Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Hommage a Henri Matisse - 1970

This special issue in the XXe Siecle Hommage series is dedicated to Henry Matisse and includes 32 color plates, 150 black and white reproductions as well as twenty articles by artists and art historians such as Georges Rouault, Jean Cassou, Roger Fry, Jean Leymarie, Gotthard Jedlicka, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Pierre Courthion, Jean Guichard-Meili, Andre Verdet, Georges Duthuit, Yvon Taillandier, Pierre Volboudt, Gualtieri di San Lazzaro and Herbert Read. It also includes bibliographical notes by Henry Matisse himself and a linoleum cut print specially executed by the artist for the XXe Siecle magazine in 1938. 126 pages, text in French. Click here for Homage to Henri Matisse Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Hommage a Georges Rouault - 1971

Published in 1971 on Georges Rouault's 100th birthday and includes a full biography of the artist and many articles contributed by Leon Lehmann, Andre Suares, Genevieve Nouaille-Rouault, Jacques Riviere, Raissa Maritain, Guillaume Apollinaire, Andre Malraux, Gaetan Picon, Bernard Dorival, Maurice Morel, Georges Chabot, Pierre Courthion, Maurice Brillant, Francois Mauriac, Jean Cassou, Raymond Cogniat, Christian Zervos, Marcel Arland, Claude Roger-Marx, Rene Huyghe et Jacques Maritain, Andre Lhote, Maurice Vlaminck, Alfred Manessier, Thierry Mailnier, Jean Grenier, Jean Wahl and A.M. Cocagnac O.P. Profusely illustrated with an original lithography after a work by George Roulault. 128 pages, text in French. Click here for Homage to Georges Rouault Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Homage to Fernand Leger - 1971

A special issue out of the XXe Siecle subscription dedicated to Fernand Leger with more than 20 essays by D.H. Kahnweiler, Guy Habasque, Jean Cassou, Frank Elgar, Nadia Leger, Gilbert Lascault, J. J. Leveque, A.B. Nakov, Patrick Waldberg, Jacques Lassaigne, Raymond Cogniat, Darius Milhaud, J.L. Ferrier, Pierre Descargues, Yvon Taillandier, Pierre Descargues, Andre Verdet, Henry Galy-Carles, Maurice Jardot and more. A full biography of Fernand Leger and a lithography specially designed for the XXe Siecle publication by Fernand Leger in 1952. 128 pages, text in English. Click here for Homage to Fernand Leger Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Homage to Pablo Picasso - 1971

A beautiful retrospective of Pablo Picasso oeuvre with 28 color plates (including 7 specially printed linocuts) and 150 black and white illustrations. Essays and articles contributed by Rafael Alberti, Josep Palau I Fabre, D.H. Kahnweiler, Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Eluard, Henri Matarasso, Josep Palau I Fabre, Man Ray, Raymond Cogniat, Jean-Louis Ferrier, R. de la Souchere, Klaus Gallwitz, Henry Galy-Carles, Georges Ramie, Raffaele Carrieri, Yvon Taillandier, Andre Verdet, Georges Bloch, Dore Ashton, Julio Gonzalez, Gaetan Picon, Roland Penrose, Gualtieri di San Lazzaro and Brassai. With Lithograph specially drawn by Picasso for the XXe Siecle No 10 1958. 140 pages, text in English. Click here for Homage to Pablo Picasso Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Hommage a Max Ernst - 1971

A profusely illustrated special issue dedicated to Max Ernst with color and b/w reproductions of paintings, drawings as well as a few b/w photographs. Contributions by Loni et Lothar Pretzell, Werner Hofmann, Werner Spies, Uwe M. Schneede, Patrick Waldberg, Eduard Trier, Helmut R. Leppien, Robert Lebel, Jean Cassou, William N. Copley, Julien Levy, John Russell, Bertie Urvater, Giulio Carlo Argan, Marcel Brion, Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues, Lucy R. Lippard, Giuseppe Marchiori, Gilbert Lascault, Yvon Taillandier and Rene de Solier. With full-page original color lithograph specially executed by Max Ernst for this issue. 132 pages, text in French. Click here for Homage to Max Ernst Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Homage to Henry Moore - 1972

Special issue of the XXe Siecle Review dedicated to Henry Moore with many essays by renowned art historians such as Jacques Lassaigne, Roland Penrose, Pierre Volboudt, Herbert Read, Pierre Courthion, Yvon Taillandier, Giuseppe Marchiori, Giovanni Caradente, Robert Melville, Raymond Cogniat, Philip James, William J. Withrow, Geoffrey Grigson, James Johnson Sweeney, David Sylvester, Andrei Boris Nakov, Giulio Carlo Argan, John Russell, Elda Fezzi, G di San Lazzaro and Henry Moore himself. The book includes a biography of the artist and an original lithography by Henry Moore. 136 pages, text in English. Click here for Homage to Henry Moore Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Homage to Joan Miro - 1972

An overwhelming issue dedicated to Joan Miro with 28 color plates and 112 black and white reproductions. Contributions by Antoni Tapies, Sebastid Gasch, Giuseppe Marchiori, Ernest Hemingway, Roland Penrose, Joan Teixidor, Pierre Guiguen, Daniel Frasnay, Jacques Dupin, Alexandre Cirici, Julien Clay, Jacques Dupin, Georges Limbour, Maiten Bouisset, Yvon Taillandier, Henri Matarasso, Patrick Waldberg, Andri Pieyre de Mandiargues, Alain Jouffroy, Maria Lluisa Borras, Eugene Ionesco, Joaquin Gomis, Jean Hugues, Yvon Taillandier, Alain Jouffroy, San Lazzaro and Joan Miro himself. This special issue includes biographical notes on the artist as well as an original lithograph by Joan Miro. 132 pages, text in English. Click here for Homage to Joan Miro Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Hommage a Chagall Monumental - 1973

Revue XX siecle devoted to Marc Chagall with an original lithograph of the artist in the beginning of the book and texts, articles and essays from Gilbert Lascault, Alain Jouffroy, Guy Weelen, A.B., Andre Verdet, Robert Marteau, Charles Marq, Charles Estienne, Guy Weelen, Charles Sorlier, Andre Malraux, Meyer Shapiro, Jacques Maritain, Bernard Dorival, Claude Esteban, Blaise Cendrars, Philippe Soupault, Gaston Bachelard, Ambroise Vollard, E. Teriade, Jacques Lassaigne, Jean Leymarie and Aragon. Many illustrations and photographs. 136 pages, text in French. Click here for Homage to Chagall Monumental Table of Content.

XXe Siecle Hommage a Wassily Kandinsky - 1974

The art book dedicated to Wassily Kandinsky is lavishly illustrated throughout with both full color and black and white photos. List of contributors and authors includes Jacques Lassaigne, Bernard Dorival, Will Grohmann, Hideho Nishida, H. H. Stuckenschmidt, Max Deutsch, Pierre Boulez, Klaus Lankheit, Georg Muche, Re Soupault-Niemeyer, Carola Giedion-Welcker, Kenneth C. Lindsay, Jean Cassou, Pierre Volboudt, Jacques Dupin, Dora Vallier, Nina Kandinsky, Joan Miro, Pierre Volboudt, Gaetan Picon, Giulio Carlo Argan, Palma Bucarelli, Shinichi Segui, Thomas M. Messer, A. Kojeve, Roger VieillardPiero Dorazio, San Lazzaro, Andre Breton, Marcel Duchamp, Charles Estienne, Jean Arp, Alberto Magnelli, Franz Meyer, Herbert Read, Josef Albers, Gerard Schneider and Jean Leppien.4 original woodcuts ((1 in color, 3 black & white) after works by Wassily Kandinsky. 136 pages, text in French. Click here for Homage to Wassily Kandinsky Table of Content.


ב-1969, בעקבות ההצלחה הגדולה של המגזין לעניני אמנות פנורמה PANORAMA, יזם גולטיירי די סן לזרו Gualtieri di San Lazzaro את ההוצאה לאור של סדרת אלבומי אמנות מפוארים שנחשבת עד היום לסדרת המונוגרפיות המשובחת ביותר בעולם ספרי האמנות של המאה ה-20. כל אלבום בסדרה שנקראה הומז' ל Hommage a הוקדש לאמן ענק בן המאה העשרים שעיצב את פני התרבות של ימינו: פיקאסו, מאטיס, ג'ורג' רואו, מקס ארנסט, שאגאל, הנרי מור, פרננד לג'ה, קנדינסקי, חואן מירו ועוד.

סן לזרו, שהכיר כל אחד מן האמנים אישית, הצליח לקבץ בכל אלבום מבחר של מאמרים, ראיונות, זכרונות וסקירות שנכתבו ע"י מיטב ההסטוריונים ומבקרי האמנות של המאה ה-20 וע"י האמנים עצמם, ובנוסף שלל רפרודוקציות צבעוניות וצילומים נדירים ואקסקלוסיביים שפורשים ומאירים את מפעל חייו של כל אמן. נאמן לשיטתו, כלל סן לזרו בכל אלבום ליטוגרפיות, חיתוכי עץ והדפסים מקוריים של האמן והפך את ספרי המונוגרפיות המעולים הללו ליצירות אמנות בפני עצמן.

Hardcover: Several special issues, extensively illustrated with numerous b/w and color in text and full-page illustrations as well as original lithographs, wood cuts and linoleum cuts 
Publisher: Cahiers d'art publies sous la direction de G. di San Lazzaro, Paris & Tudor Publishing, New York; First Edition
Language: French and English.

Price: Call

The complete works of Georges Rouault - Collectible Catalogue
Joan Miro by James Johnson Sweeney
Max Ernst: A Little Girl Dreams of Taking the Veil
Pablo Picasso - Collectible Art Books, Catalogues and Art Monographs
Henry Moore - Sculpture and Drawings 1921-1969 by Robert Melville

Item: B1047 - XXe Siecle PANORAMA / Hommage Art Books

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