XXe Siecle Special issue - Homage to Joan Miro by G. Di San Lazzaro - Art Book with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של חואן מירו

XXe Siecle Special issue - Homage to Joan Miro by G. Di San Lazzaro - Art Book with Original Lithographs - ליתוגרפיות של חואן מירו

Homage to Joan Miro "XXe Siecle", 1972. Miro Triumphant by Antoni Tapies. Miro's Beginnings by Sebastid Gasch. Miro Through the Years by Giuseppe Marchiori. The Farm by Ernest Hemingway. The Magic of Night by Roland Penrose. "Constellations" by Joan Teixidor. The Enchanted Humor of Miro by Pierre Guiguen. I Dream of a Large Studio by Joan Miro. Volumes of Light by Daniel Frasnay. On the Hill of Calamayor by Jacques Dupin. Productive exchanges between earth and man by Alexandre Cirici. Miro At ST-PAUL-DE-VENCE by Julien Clay. Miro's Dual Approach by Jacques Dupin. The Collaboration with Artigas by Georges Limbour. Miro's Three Ballets by Maiten Bouisset. "MESSAGE TO A FRIEND" by Yvon Taillandier. A Divine Spark by Henri Matarasso. MlROWORLD by Patrick Waldberg. Miro Today by Andri Pieyre de Mandiargues. Three poems for three paintings on newspaper by Alain Jouffroy. Miro at his Barcelona Foundry by Maria Lluisa Borras. An Opera in Color by Eugene Ionesco. The Joan Miro foundation at Barcelona by Joaquin Gomis. "With love and devotion" by Jean Hugues. Miro and his Teams by Yvon Taillandier. "Le Lezard aux plumes d'or" by Alain Jouffroy. The painter of the Subconscious by San Lazzaro. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. AN ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPH BY JOAN MIRO. Editorial Assistant: Christine Gintz. Translator: Bettina Wadia.

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