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Art History Books - List 1

Byzantine Art, Art Nouveau & Interior Decoration, History of Modern Painting, Art Movements, Kitsch, Pop Art, Surrealist Art, Dada, Eroticism, American Painting, Abstract Expressionism, Modern Sculpture

Books about Art History for sale

History of Art books  List No 1 - pdf

List No 1

Rare and out of print art albums, encyclopedias and books for sale

Once you have made your selection from this list of art history books, contact me and I will send you further information including full description of the book's condition, price and estimated shipping cost. I'll be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with detailed information including photograph of the book's cover. Most of the books in this list are collectible items in a very good condition - click to open a pdf version of the art history book list for printing.

Romanesque Signs: Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography - Stephen G. Nichols
Romanesque Signs: Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography - Stephen G. Nichols, Jr. - ISBN 0300036779 / 0-300-03677-9 / 9780300036770 - Paperback - Yale University Press

Sacred Fortress: Byzantine Art and Statecraft in Ravenna - Otto G. Von Simson
Sacred Fortress: Byzantine Art and Statecraft in Ravenna
- Otto G. Von Simson - ISBN 0691002762 / 0-691-00276-2 / 9780691002767 - Paperback - Princeton University Press

Der Pergamon Altar: Seine Geschichte, Entdeckung und Rekonstruktion - Max Kunze
Der Pergamon Altar: Seine Geschichte, Entdeckung und Rekonstruktion
- Max Kunze - ISBN 380531468X / 3-8053-1468-X / 9783805314688 - Paperback - Philipp von Zabern, 1995

Contemporary British Art - Herbert Read
Contemporary British Art
- Herbert Read - Paperback - Pelican, Penguin

Dank in Farben - Alfred and Thekla Hess
Dank in Farben
(Thanks in colors) - Alfred and Thekla Hess - Hardcover - Piper Munich, 1962

Encyclopedia of the Arts - Herbert Read
Encyclopedia of the Arts:
Applied Arts, Architecture, Ballet, Biographies, Cinema, Graphic Arts, Literature, Music, Opera, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Theatre - Herbert Read - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1966

An Illustrated History of Interior Decoration: From Pompeii to Art Nouveau - Mario Praz
An Illustrated History of Interior Decoration: From Pompeii to Art Nouveau
- Mario Praz - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1964

The Prince of Pleasure and His Regency, 1811-20 - J.B. Priestley
The Prince of Pleasure and His Regency, 1811-20
- J.B. Priestley - ISBN: 0434603570 / 0-434-60357-0 / 9780434603572 - Hardcover - William Heinemann, 1969

Mit schonen alten Mobeln wohnen - Elisabeth Wetzlar
Mit schonen alten Mobeln wohnen
(Living with beautiful old furniture) - Elisabeth Wetzlar - Hardcover - Ernst Wasmuth, Tubingen

Continental Interiors for Small Flats - Olga Stier
Continental Interiors for Small Flats
- Olga Stier - ISBN 352028348 / 352-02834-8 - Hardcover - Macdonald & Co, 1969

A Concise History of Modern Painting - Herbert Read
A Concise History of Modern Painting
- Herbert Read - ISBN 0500201412 / 0-500-20141-2 / 9780500201411 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1974, World of Art

The New Painting - Udo Kultermann
The New Painting
- Udo Kultermann - ISBN 269025227 / 269-02522-7 - Hardcover - Pall Mall Press, 1969

Artworks and Packages - Harold Rosenberg
Artworks and Packages
- Harold Rosenberg - LCC 68-54185 - Hardcover - Dell Publishing, 1969

Modern Art Movements - Trewin Copplestone
Modern Art Movements
- Trewin Copplestone - Hardcover - Paul Hamlyn Ltd, 1962

Kitsch: The World of Bad Taste - Gillo Dorfles, John McHale
Kitsch: The World of Bad Taste
- Gillo Dorfles, John McHale - ISBN 0289704197 / 0-289-70419-7 / 9780289704196 - Paperback - Studio Vista Books, 1975

Kitsch-Lexicon von A bis Z - Gert Richter
Kitsch-Lexicon von A bis Z - Gert Richter - ISBN 3570031489 / 3-570-03148-9 / 9783570031483 - Hardcover - Bertelsmann Lexicon, 1972

Movements in Art Since 1945 - Edward Lucie-Smith
Movements in Art Since 1945
- Edward Lucie-Smith - ISBN 0500200955 / 500-20095-5 - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1969, World of Art

A Concise History of Modern Sculpture - Herbert Read
A Concise History of Modern Sculpture - Herbert Read - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1964

Pop Art - Lucy R. Lippard
Pop Art - Lucy R. Lippard - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1968, World of Art

Pop Art: Object and Image - Christopher Finch
Pop Art: Object and Image
- Christopher Finch - ISBN 0289795538 / 289-79553-8 - Paperback - Studio vista, 1968

Environments and Happenings - Adrian Henri
Environments and Happenings - Adrian Henri - ISBN 0500201374 / 0-500-20137-4 / 9780500201374 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1974, World of Art

Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp - Pierre Cabanne
Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp - Pierre Cabanne - ISBN 0500610010 / 0-500-61001-0 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1971

Surrealist Art - Sarane Alexandrian
Surrealist Art
- Sarane Alexandrian - ISBN 0500200971 / ISBN 500-20097-1 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1969, World of Art

Dada: Art and Anti-Art - Hans Richter, David Britt
Dada: Art and Anti-Art - Hans Richter, David Britt - ISBN 0500200394 / 0-500-20039-4 / 9780500200391 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1970, World of Art

Eroticism in Western Art - Edward Lucie-Smith
Eroticism in Western Art - Edward Lucie-Smith - ISBN 0500201218 / 0-500-20121-8 / 9780500201213 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1972, World of Art

History of American Painting - Matthew Baigell
History of American Painting
- Matthew Baigell - ISBN 0500201161 / 0-500-20116-1 / 9780500201169 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, 1971, World of Art

Metaphysical Art - Massimo Carra, Patrick Waldberg, Ewald Rathke
Metaphysical Art - Massimo Carra, Patrick Waldberg, Ewald Rathke - ISBN 0500201056 / 0-500-20105-6 / 9780500201053 - Paperback - Thames and Hudson, 1971, World of Art

The New York school: abstract expressionism in the 40s and 50s - Maurice Tuchman
The New York school: abstract expressionism in the 40s and 50s
- Maurice Tuchman - ISBN 0500201064 / 0-500-20106-4 / 9780500201060 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson, World of Art

My Galleries and Painters - Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler & Francis Cremieux
My Galleries and Painters - Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler & Francis Cremieux - ISBN 0500610030 / 0-500-61003-0 - Paperback - Thames & Hudson

Zorach Explains Sculpture: What it means and how it is made - William Zorach - LCC 60-15042
Zorach Explains Sculpture: What it means and how it is made - William Zorach - LCC 60-15042 - Hardcover - Tudor Publishing Company

Form and Space: Sculpture of the twentieth century - Eduard Trier
Form and Space: Sculpture of the twentieth century
- Eduard Trier - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1968

The New Sculpture: Environments and assemblages - Udo Kultermann
The New Sculpture: Environments and assemblages - Udo Kultermann - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1968

The Evolution of Modern Sculpture: Tradition and Innovation - Abraham Marie Hammacher
The Evolution of Modern Sculpture:
Tradition and Innovation - Abraham Marie Hammacher - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1969

A History of Modern Art: Painting - Sculpture - Architecture - H.H Arnason
A History of Modern Art: Painting - Sculpture - Architecture - H.H Arnason - Hardcover - Thames & Hudson, 1969

ספרים ואלבומים למכירה לאספנים - תולדות האמנות - רשימה מספר 1 - ספרות עיון קלאסית בנושאים שונים של ההיסטוריה של האמנות החזותית.

אם ברצונכם בספרים מרשימה זו בנושא תולדות האמנות, התקשרו ואשלח תיאור מפורט, מחיר, אמצעי תשלום ואפשרויות משלוח. רוב הספרים במצב טוב מאד. אשמח גם לספק מידע נוסף  בקשר לתוכנו ולמצבו של כל ספר כולל צילום לפי בקשתכם. קובץ ה pdf הזה - רשימת ספרים בנושא תולדות האמנות מתאים להדפסה.

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History of Art Books and Albums - List 2
XXe Siecle Revue Artistique: Gualtieri di San Lazzaro - The Art of the 20th Century
"Art of the Sixties" - 5th Revised Edition - The Ludwig Collection

Item: B1019 - Art History Books

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