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Antoni Tapies - Collectible Art Books and Artist's Monographs

Antoni Tapies - O l'Escarnidor De Diademes by Francesc Vicens
Tapies - Testimoni Del Silenci by Alexandre Cirici


Antoni Tapies - O l'Escarnidor De Diademes - The Scoffer at Diadems by Francesc Vicens

The Catalan artist Antoni Tapies was born in Barcelona in 1923. Tapies began to study law in Barcelona in 1944 but after a short period decided to devote himself exclusively to art. Tapies was essentially a self-taught autodidact painter who took only a few art classes and chose a quite iconoclastic course in his artistic oeuvre.

Tapies art was exhibited for the first time in the controversial First October Salon of Barcelona in 1948. He soon began to develop a recognizable personal style related to Art Informel and to Arte Povera - an art movement that focused on the materials of art making. The approach resulted in textural richness, but its more important aim was the exploration of the transformative qualities of matter. Tapies freely adopted bits of detritus, earth, and stone-mediums that evoke solidity and mass in his large-scale works.

Antoni Tapies - O l'Escarnidor De Diademes - אנטוני טאפיס - The Scoffer at Diadems

Antoni Tapies - O l'Escarnidor De Diademes - The Scoffer at Diadems by Francesc Vicens

Anyone unfamiliar with the work of Antony Tapies and is approaching it for the first time is liable to find himself out of his depth. Exploring a universe which does not provide him with the usual points of reference, he can legitimately ask himself the question formulated by Dieter Jahnig: Do Tapies pictures really belong to the realm of art? What we have before us are objects rather than pictures, objects which we intuitively perceive are charged with strangely intense content.

אנטוני טאפיס Antony Tapies נולד בברצלונה ב- 1923. כשהתבגר, הפסיק את לימודיו, החליט להיות אמן והחל את הקרירה האמנותית שלו כצייר סוריאליסטי שהושפע מפול קלי Paul Klee וחואן מירו Joan Miro אך לאחר זמן קצר (1948) נחשף לעבודותיו של ז'אן דובופה Jean Dubuffet ואימץ את רעיונות זרם ה- Arte Povera ("דלות החומר" כפי שכינוהו בישראל) שחרג מעבר למוסכמות הציור של זמנו ועשה שימוש נרחב בחמרים "לא אמנותיים". טאפיס הוביל את הזרם הזה כברת דרך מרשימה קדימה והתמקד בחומרים, בטקסטורות שלהם וברב-צורנית transformative שהם מגלמים - חול, שאריות אדמה, אבנים ועוד חול. אני אוהב את זה.

Everyone who has studied Tapies work has emphasized this extra ordinary density of content which radiates a mysteriously strong attraction and has stressed its shock value, which seems based - as in all successful work - on apparently facile simplicity. Intensity of content, mysterious attraction, shock value, theses are elements which have made many observers of Tapies work speak of his magic power. Those vast surfaces like untilled earth, some black some pale, which have been reproduced in this book are not merely "work of art". Tapies creative power has concentrated an intensity vivid experience in each of them and has proceeded to make it communicable.

Antoni Tapies - O l'Escarnidor De Diademes- The Scoffer at Diadems - אנטוני טאפיס

Antoni Tapies

The title of this book was suggested by the poet Joan Brossa, the text was written by Francesc Vicens. The beautiful photographs in this book, taken by Joaquim Gomis, integrate the paintings in the background in which they were created, in the places where this dialogue between man and the world took place - urban images and deeply felt landscapes contemplated by the artist himself: where he lives and where all the objects he has collected can be found; what he cherishes and loves. Tapies work is one of the most striking examples of the way art can reveal life and demonstrate its meaning by elevating experience to the level of an abstraction. Here is an art whose creative qualities consist in making us aware of the greatest possible variety of experiences.

Oracle: Joan Brossa
Text: Francesc Vicens
Photos: Joaquim Gomis

Hardcover: 210 pages, 42+40 text pages, 128 pages of illustrations and photographs
Fotoscop - Visual Language, Poligrafa - Barcelona, 1st Edition  (1971)
Spanish, English, French, German

Price: $Call

Antoni Tapies in XXe Siecle Nouvelle Serie - PANORAMA



Tapies - Testimoni Del Silenci - Witness of Silence by Alexandre Cirici


Antoni Tapies - Testimoni Del Silenci - Witness of Silence by Alexandre Cirici - אנטוני טאפיס - Click to Zoom

Antoni Tapies - Testimoni Del Silenci Antoni Tapies - Testimoni Del Silenci - Witness of Silence by Alexandre Cirici - אנטוני טאפיס - Art Book

Antoni Tapies - Testimoni Del Silenci - Witness of Silence by Alexandre Cirici

The renowned Spanish art critic, writer and politician Alexandre Cirici (1914 - 1983) studied the works and innovation of the great modernist Catalan masters: Picasso, Miro and Tapies. This spectacular art monograph Testimoni Del Silenci is a breathtaking coverage of the oeuvre of Antoni Tapies with highest quality photographs by Joaquim Gomis - the ultimate Spanish art photographer.


Hardcover: 364 pages, more than 218 illustrations and photographs
Edicions Poligrafa - Barcelona, 1st Edition  (1970)

Price: Call

Joan Miro - James Johnson Sweeney
Gaudi - An Architecture of Anticipation by Juan Perucho
Paul Klee - Collectible Artist's Monographs

Item: B1020 - Antoni Tapies Monographs

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