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Jean Dubuffet: Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - Max Loreau


Jean Dubuffet was the son of a wealthy French wine merchant but in spite of his bourgeois background he has chosen to spend his life in an ongoing process of reassessing the fundamentals values of art and culture and questioning his own originality as a painter, sculptor and artist. Throughout his career he reacted against conventional ideas of beauty and remained apart from any artistic movement.


Jean Dubuffet : Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - Max Loreau

Jean Dubuffet - Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - by Max Loreau

XXe Siecle Panorama 1969 No 32: Original Lithographs - Jean Dubuffet - ז'אן דובופה - Click to Zoom

Jean Dubuffet on the cover of XXe Siecle No 32 XXe Siecle Panorama 1969 No 32: Original Lithographs - Jean Dubuffet - ז'אן דובופה - Art Book

This comprehensive collectible monograph album by the Belgian poet, author and art critic Max Loreau, covers most stages in Dubuffet oeuvre: the early days, the city & countryside marionettes, the grotesque and mental landscapes, the philosophical stones, the butterfly wings textures as well as the texturologies, materiologies an topographies cycles of drawings. It also covers the the Paris Circus series, the tools, the maps and the dwellings, utopias, buildings, surroundings and much more.


Jean Dubuffet : Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - Max Loreau - ז'אן דובופה - Click to Zoom

Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu by Max Loreau Art Book - Jean Dubuffet : Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - Max Loreau - ז'אן דובופה

Front cover of Jean Dubuffet - Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - by Max Loreau

ז'אן דובופה Jean Dubuffet צייר בסגנון שהוא כינה "אמנות לא מעובדת" או "אמנות גולמית" Art Brut. סגנון זה הוא ההיפך הגמור ממה שהיית מצפה מצייר מן האסכולה הצרפתית של מחצית המאה ה-20. ביצירותיו, טלטל דובופה בצורה רצינית את הנחות היסוד שעמדו בבסיס עקרונות האסתטיקה של זמנו ומחה כנגד ההגדרה המטעה של מושג היופי "שירשנו מן התרבות היוונית והאדרנו בתרבות שערי השבועונים". אני מסכים. וככה נראה היופי החדש:


Jean Dubuffet : Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - Max Loreau - ז'אן דובופה - dhotel nuance d'abricot - Click to Zoom

Portrait of Andre Dhotel by Jean Dubuffet Art Book - Jean Dubuffet : Delits Deportements Lieux De Haut Jeu - Max Loreau - dhotel nuance d'abricot - ז'אן דובופה

Jean Dubuffet - 1947 - Dhotel Nuance d'abricot

Dubuffet adopted forms created outside the tradition of fine art, particularly urban graffiti, tribal art, and the creations of children and the insane: "In my paintings, I wish to recover the vision of an average and ordinary man without using techniques beyond the grasp of an ordinary man."

He created clotted surfaces by mixing oil paint with grit and urban detritus. By subverting the viewer's expectations of beauty and by elevating the mundane, Dubuffet called into question many of the assumptions on which art had traditionally been based.

Hardcover: 608 pages, over 300 duotone, b/w and color illustrations
Publisher: Weber Paris; 1st illustrated edition (1971)
Language: French

ISBN-10: 0821205250
ISBN-13: 9780821205259

Price: $Call

XXe Siecle Revue Artistique: Gualtieri di San Lazzaro - The Art of the 20th Century

Item: B1005 - Jean Dubuffet by Max Loreau

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