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 Antique Oriental Rugs Books - Essential References 

Oriental Rugs Antique & Modern by Walter A. Hawley
Oriental Rugs - a Complete Guide by Charles W. Jacobsen
Modern Oriental Carpets by E. Gans-Ruedin
Oriental Rugs - Volume 3 - The Carpets of Afghanistan by R.D. Parsons
Rare Carpets from east and west by Mercedes Viale Ferrero
Antique Oriental Carpets from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century
Eine Sammlung elder orientalischer Teppiche - Albrech Hopf
How to identify Persian Rugs and other oriental rugs - C. J. Delabere May
Antique Chinese Rugs by the Tiffany Studios
Teppiche : ein farbenfroher Bericht uber die schonsten Muster alter und neuer Teppiche by Mercedes Viale Ferrero
The Colour Treasury of ORIENTAL RUGS by Stefan A. Milhofer
Das goldene Buch des Orient Teppichs by S.A. Milhofer
Seven Hundred Years of Oriental Carpets by Kurt Erdmann
Islamic Rugs by Kudret H.Turkhan
Oriental Rugs: An Illustrated Guide by Hermann Haack
Teppiche Aus Dem Kaukasus by Urlich Schurmann
Antique Rugs from the Near East by Bode & Kuhnel


שטיחים עתיקים שגילם 80 שנים ומעלה הופכים להיות נדירים יותר ויותר. מרבית השטיחים המיוחדים והעתיקים שיוצרו בעבודת יד ובטכניקות אריגה וצביעה יחודיות בסוף המאה ה-19 ובתחילת המאה ה-20 באיזורי פרס, טורקמניסטאן ומרכז אסיה נעלמו מן השווקים. גם הידע וההבנה בשטיחים מהתקופה הזאת נעלמו מן השווקים. סוחרי השטיחים בני זמנינו עוסקים בעיקר ביבוא של שטיחים חדשים, לעיתים באיכות נמוכה, המיוצרים במזרח ומנסים לחקות את הדוגמאות והדגמים של העבר. מעטים מן העוסקים בשטיחים כיום מבינים במקורות השטיחים העתיקים, טכניקות האריגה והצביעה והדוגמאות המיוחדות המאפיינות את יצירות האמנות הללו. די נפוץ לשמוע דעות שונות, לעיתים סותרות, בקשר למקורו ולגילו של שטיח, הכל בהתאם לנקודת המבט והכדאיות של המומחה. הספרים המוצגים כאן הם נכס הכרחי בארגז הכלים של אספן שטיחים עתיקים מהמזרח שמנסה לאפיין את מקורו, גילו והרקע התרבותי של שטיח אספנות הנקרה בדרכו.  

Antique Oriental carpets and rugs has long been valued as works of art and fine examples are to be seen in museums and private collections throughout the world. These designs have been handled down from generation to generation of craftsmen, but antique carpets made by the traditional methods are getting rare. For the past hundred years, and possible longer, one of the treasures of collectors' art world has been the authentic hand made oriental carpet, imported from Turkey, Persia, central Asia or even occasionally from China.

Further down in, you will find some rugs and carpets reference books, most of which are out of print, collectible items in a very good condition; you are invited to contact me and I will send you further information including full description of the book's condition, price and estimated shipping cost.


Oriental Rugs Antique & Modern by Walter A. Hawley

Oriental Rugs Antique & Modern by Walter A. Hawley

Walter Augustus Hawley - Oriental Rugs Antique & Modern has been regarded for almost hundred years (since it first date of publication in 1913) as the best resource for identifying these beautiful pieces of art.

It tells you almost everything you need to know about antique orient rugs: the history of rug-making in the Near East, with its cultural extensions; the materials used, how prepared and dyed; the various knots that are used to fasten the pile and their significance for identifying carpets; the remarkable designs and symbols, and their meaning; the techniques used in making the carpet; and the determination of aniline-dyed imitations. Most of this information has been carefully guarded secret trade lore of the dealers.

Hawley covers in detail the rug from each of the six major groups: Turkish, Caucasian, Persian, Indian, Central Asiatic (AKA Turkmen) and Chinese. He describes the special features of each: size, color, patterns, symbols, fringes, weaving and knotting techniques, as well as the wealth of the lore associated with each. This material is presented so clearly that you should be able to identify with accuracy any true oriental rug that you are likely to see - I extensively use Chapter 16 -  "how to distinguish rugs?" when I meet a type of an oriental rug or carpet which I am not familiar with.

Paperback: 320 pages of text with over 100 illustrations including 11 in full color
Publisher: Dover Publications (1970); unabridged republication of the work originally published by John Lane Company in 1913 
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0486223663 / 0-486-22366-3
ISBN-13: 9780486223667

Price: Call


Oriental Rugs - a Complete Guide by Charles W. Jacobsen

Oriental Rugs - a Complete Guide by Charles w. Jacobsen

An excellent resource for basic information on antique oriental rugs and rug terms based on a work written by Charles W Jacobsen in 1931.

The first part devotes one chapter to each of the large rug weaving countries and includes helpful hints as to what the collector should look for in any particular rug, the quality of weaving and what the collector might expect from that rug in terms of durability.

Part two is an alphabetical list of all the names that have been used to identify rugs in the past as well as the names that are being used at the date of publication (1962). The characteristics of each rug are outlined, making it possible for the collector to readily identify each type of rug. The author draws from his experience to relate past findings, good and bad, concerning the different types.

Part three contains 194 pictures of different types of rugs complete with descriptive captions for each. Thirty nine of the plates are in full color. The book has already been acclaimed by experts as: "The most comprehensive book ever published on oriental rugs". For me - this work is certain to be the standard book on the subject for many years and a great helper in understanding the Turkmen Rugs terminology.

Hardcover: 479 pages, 194 pictures including 39 in full color
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing (1970); First edition 1962
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0804804516 / 0-804-80451-6
ISBN-13: 9780804804516

Price: Call


Modern Oriental Carpets by E. Gans-Ruedin

Modern Oriental Carpets by E. Gans-Ruedin

Modern Oriental Carpets by E. Gans-Ruedin is a compressive study especially valuable as it concentrates on carpets which were available at the time the book was published (1970) and are now considered as antique rug and carpets and are of great importance to antique rug collectors.

Nearly two hundred individual designs are described in detail, and the information has been gathered by the author, and the photographs taken in the carpet-producing countries themselves. The carpets are classified by area or village under country or in the case of Iran, under the main regions. Each type is illustrated by at least one high quality reproduction, with captions giving details of origins, techniques, design and colors. The key countries of Iran and Turkey are given due prominence, but the production of carpets in Afghanistan, Turkestan, Pakistan, Tibet, China, North Africa and Balkan countries is also fully surveyed.

The explanations of motifs and other information has been verified by the author in numerous visits to the places concerned, often remote and out-of-the-way villages far from the main centers of communication. The main section of the book is preceded by historical introduction and by notes on every aspect of the oriental carpet: materials, dyeing, designs, weaving and knotting, the carpet trade, buying, conversations and restorations.

For the general reader, the book gives an informed look on a fascinating subject, combined with wealth of beautiful illustrations. For the connoisseur and collector, it is an invaluable work of reference, providing a comprehensive guide to the designs that were available at the time of publishing.

Many works on the history of Oriental carpets show examples preserved in museums or in great private collections; and from these, the keen collector can learn a great deal. The Modern Oriental Carpets which is intended for the general public, takes another approach. After an historical account and several general chapters devoted to the technical or symbolic characteristics of carpets, the author deals with the essential and strictly original part of his study; he establishes a detailed classification by country, and in case of Iran, by regions: each example is illustrated by one or several annotated reproductions. The lesser known products of countries such as Pakistan, India, Tibet, China, North Africa and Balkan countries also figure in this vast panorama, so that nothing is omitted from the vary wide currently on the market of antique rugs and carpets.

The collector will be able to form a precise opinion on the rugs which he will have the opportunity to see, owning the wealth of information provided on the origin, technique, style of patterns, coloring, and finally the quality of each example. This information, the result of a lengthy experience, has all been verified on the spot by the author, during frequent journeys in the producing countries. Indeed, the description of motifs is as complete as possible, but is often extremely difficult to obtain, even from the rug makers themselves, a comprehensive  explanations of their designs; they use such and such motif in accordance with tradition, but they are no longer aware of its original meaning.

Another difficulty in getting information first hand lies in the inaccessibility of many villages. It can happen that in a town which deals daily with one type of carpet, no body can tell you where the producing villages are, even though they might be less than 40 miles away. This is because the dealers have never been there, the villagers themselves, arranging to bring their products into town. If you insist on making for one of these villages, nobody can understand your interest: why should you wish to undertake an uncomfortable journey, at all costs, since the local output is on sale in the market of the town? For me the answer is straightforward - to see the beauty in vivo - I wish I could have been there.

Hardcover: 431 pages, 466 illustrations including 42 in color and 4 maps
Publisher: Thames & Hudson Ltd (1971); translated from French: Connaissance du Tapis by Valerie Howard 
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0500231559 / 0-50023-155-9 
ISBN-13: 9780500231555

Price: Call


Oriental Rugs - Volume 3 - The Carpets of Afghanistan by R.D. Parsons

Oriental Rugs - Volume 3 - The Carpets of Afghanistan by R.D Parsons

The first definitive work on Afghan production, in which rugs made in the past half of the 20th century or so are given locations and ascribed to groups of weavers, this book has proved an essential work of reference. Published in a revised edition, it will guide the keen collector and the first-time buyer through a labyrinth of fascinating choices.

Author Richard Parsons, for many years buyer in Afghanistan for the well-known firm O.C.M. (London) Ltd., treats the reader to not only a veritable feast of carpets and rugs, all with their attendant tribal origins and motifs vividly explained, but also to a fascinating journey through the history of a diverse, colourful, multiracial country.

The author shares his respect and admiration for Afghanistan's stoic people, who somehow despite political upheavals, forced resettlement, a harsh climate, and often primitive nomadic living conditions, manage to fashion exquisite works of art, which reflect their pride in their many-faceted heritage. Afghan rugs, which are instantly appealing due to their traditional colors and bold designs, open up a whole new vista for the collector, from sumptuous piled purdahs to flat woven prayer rugs.

Hardcover: 157 pages, 114 color illustrations 90 black and white illustrations
Publisher: Antique Collector's Club; Revised edition 1987
Language: English

ISBN-10: 1851490582
ISBN-13: 9781851490585

Price: Call


Rare Carpets from east and west by Mercedes Viale Ferrero

Rare Carpets from east and west by Mercedes Viale Ferrero

The best examples of handmade carpets rank among the finest of man's artistic creations. This book traces the origins of carpet-making and outlines the various techniques employed. Professor Mercedes Viale Ferrero explains how it was that between the sixteenth and eighteens centuries the craft was raised to an art, and spread from the Orient to Europe. But the European masters never surpassed, and probably never equaled, their Eastern rivals, and it is on the great Oriental carpet that the book concentrates. Its outstanding feature is the superb color photographs, which will be equally compelling for the expert, the enthusiastic and the uninitiated.

Hardcover: 64 pages with 79 full color plates and many illustrations and schemes
Publisher: Orbis Books, London (1972); First English Edition 
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0856131121 / 0-85613-112-1 
ISBN-13: 978-0856131127

Price: Call


Antique Oriental Carpets from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century
by E. Gans-Ruedin

Antique Oriental Carpets from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century

Antique Oriental Carpets is a comprehensive study of the older examples which can still be acquired on the general market. Mr Gans-Ruedin concentrated especially on those carpets produced from the late eighteenth century up to the Second World War, and differentiates them from more recent manufactures which are described in his previously published companion volume, Modern Oriental Carpets. The major oriental carpet-producing areas - Turkey, the Caucasus and Iran - are dealt with depth, and examples are included from other areas including Russian Turkestan, Afghanistan, India, Eastern Turkestan and China. The carpet production of each one is placed in its social and historical context by regional introductions and examples are described in detail. Particular emphasis is laid on the motifs and decorative features by which they may be recognized. Where possible, the author explains the meaning of the symbolic motifs, in many cases by providing an enlarged illustration of these.

The illustrations reproduce two hundred carpets, most of which have never previously been photographed. For the general reader, Antique Oriental Carpets give an informed look at the increasingly popular field of study. For the connoisseur and collector, it will be an invaluable work of reference.

Hardcover: 481 pages with 200 plates, 40 in colour, 200 line drawings and 7 maps
Publisher: Thames & Hudson, London (1975); Translated from the French Le Tapis de l'Amateur by Richard and Elizabeth Bartlett; Photographs by Rene Bersier; Drawings by Walter Hugentobler; First English Edition 
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0500232180 / 0-500-23218-0
ISBN-13: 9780500232187 / 978-0500232187

Price: Call


Eine Sammlung elder orientalischer Teppiche by Albrech Hopf

Eine Sammlung elder orientalischer Teppiche - Albrech Hopf

A beautiful book specially designed for oriental carpets and rugs lover. The author Albrech Hopf gathered, during decades of loving work, tens of valuable carpets' specimens and samples which became reference for both rug collectors and rug dealers. The book presents carpets and rugs from Anatolia, Caucasus, Persia and Turkestan and constitutes a representative sample of the wide variety of the oriental textile products which were distributed worldwide at the beginning of the 20th century.

The album contains 56 color photographs of carefully selected carpets - the color printing has been carried out with extreme care and reflects as closely as possible the original use of colors. Each depicted carpet is followed with information on the carpet's origin, creation time and style specifications. Hopfs Eine Sammlung elder orientalischer Teppiche is an album that every collector of Oriental Rugs and Carpet should have.

Hardcover: 132 pages with 56 full color high quality plates
Publisher: Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, Tubingen, First edition (1961) 
Language: German

Price: Call


How to identify Persian Rugs and other oriental rugs by C. J. Delabere May

How to identify Persian Rugs and other oriental rugs by C. J. Delabere May

This classic, historical handy book by by C. J. Delabere May provides instruction on the facts necessary to enable the reader to identify any typical specimen of the better known classes of oriental rugs. It gives diverse direction on classification with regard to their type, their age and their value. Despite its age this book contains much information that is still practical and useful today. A quote from the introduction:

Instruction, rather than discussion, is the keynote of the author's treatment of his subject in this manual, and he makes no apologies, therefore, for confining himself closely to facts, at the expense of theories and interesting, though more irrelevant, details of history, of geography, and of travel. He aims at both simply and speedily placing within the grasp of his readers a thorough knowledge of such facts as are necessary to enable them to identify any typical specimens of the better known classes of Oriental rugs, and to classify them, with regards to their type, their age, and their value.

Hardcover: 152 pages with 27 black & white plates + many illustrations in the text
Publisher: G. Bell & Sons, London (1969) 
Language: English

Price: Call


Antique Chinese Rugs by the Tiffany Studios

Antique Chinese Rugs by the Tiffany Studios

Some rugs in this collection of Antique Chinese Rugs are almost magical in beauty and appeal, carrying one imagination to exotic Oriental lands where rugs where often the most expensive item in the home, castle or temple. Today these beautiful creations bring fabulous prices. Masterpieces and masterworks take many forms, whether paintings, music, architecture, literature, or skilled and intricate handicrafts. Chinese rugs utilize and symbolize all these creative forms and emerge as magnificent specimens of the lasting ingenuity of mankind.

This attractive reprint containing 33 plates is the third in a series put out by the Antique Chinese Rugs by the Tiffany Studios of New York City, which was first published in 1908. According to Tiffany, it is a "selection of beautiful and interesting specimens, which in color, design and age form a collection preeminent in this country and probably not equaled in the world".

Antique Chinese Rugs by the Tiffany Studios

Design naturally are the hallmarks of quality and distinction, and in this superb collection they may be classed as belonging to one or another of five great styles which give Chinese art its everlasting quality:

  • The first of the great styles was based upon naturalistic, mythological, and geometric designs, which have been copied through the centuries. These designs obviously were taken from ancient bronzes and sacrificial vessels used by Confucianists and Taoists. Native to China, they concern ancestor worship and worship of heaven and earth.

  • The second period in the styles showed startling changes as the result of the entrance of Buddhism into China. The great flood of new thought brought the decorative impulse, adding new ideas that were readily adapted to the native tradition.

  • The third of the great styles flowered during the Sung dynasty, when the philosophers of the 11th and the 12th centuries reverted to the past, furnishing the art with many intricate philosophical and occult designs.

  • The Ming dynasty represented the fourth period, and was marked by European influences employing a superlative abundance of decorative schemes.

  • The fifth great epoch in the evolution of Chinese styles began under the Emperor K'ang-hsi of the Tartar dynasty. During this 100-year period, the influence of middle Orient and Persia wher predominant, bringing still another addition to the established ornament.

This engrossing book illustrates and perpetuates them all, and is a collector's item worthy of the esteem in which Chinese art is held.

Hardcover: 96 pages with 33 black & white plates + illustrations in the text
Publisher: Charles E. Turtle Company, Rutland Vermont & Tokyo Japan (1970) 
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0804800251 / 0-8048-0025-1

Price: Call


Teppiche : ein farbenfroher Bericht uber die schonsten Muster alter und neuer Teppiche by Mercedes Viale Ferrero

Teppiche : ein farbenfroher Bericht uber die schonsten Muster alter und neuer Teppiche by Mercedes Viale Ferrero

A colorful report about the most beautiful patterns of old and new carpets - this is a free translation of one of the most beautiful books on rugs and carpets by the renowned Italian musicologist and art historian professor Mercedes Viale Ferrero.

The album presents 79 full color plates of beautiful oriental and western carpets: Persian, Indian, Egyptian, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Central Asia and China as we as Germany, Spain, French, Italy,  England and Finland. The picture on the cover is the field segment of an old Ushak medallion carpet  (AKA oushak) - a beautiful piece.   

Hardcover: 64 pages with 79 full color plates and many illustrations and schemes
Publisher: Sudwest Verlag, Munchen (1971); Translated by Erwin Felkel; First German Edition 
Language: German

ISBN-10: 3517003158 / 3-51700-315-8 
ISBN-13: 978-3517003153


The Colour Treasury of ORIENTAL RUGS by Stefan A. Milhofer

The Colour Treasury of ORIENTAL RUGS by Stefan A. Milhofer

Oriental rugs have been colorful additions to Western homes for many years. Not only are they unusual and beautiful works of art but valuable collector's items as well. This beautiful art book is for beginner, amateur, and professional oriental rug-collector. It contains important information regarding the best ways to find, identify, estimate, and purchase these exquisite and highly prized rugs.


The Colour Treasury of ORIENTAL RUGS by Stefan A. Milhofer

For newcomers to the world of rugs, there are explanations of the origins of many different oriental rugs, descriptions of how the rugs are knotted, and helpful tips on how and where to begin collecting. And for those who have known and love these rugs for years, there are insights into the cultural origins of rugs from many different lands - including Iran, Turkey, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

55 full colour photographs and 33 line drawings represent the variety and beauty of the rugs. Their origins are indicated in a detailed map. Anyone who ever admired an oriental rug, or would like to begin a collection, or who owns one and would like to learn more about it, will find The Colour Treasury of ORIENTAL RUGS a beautiful and useful book.

Hardcover: 134 pages with 55 full color plates and many illustrations and schemes
Publisher: Elsevier-Phaidon - Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York (1976); Translated by D. D. Paige; First English Edition 
Language: English

ISBN-10: 0729000508 / 0-7290-0050-8 
ISBN-13: 978-0729000505


Das goldene Buch des Orient Teppichs by S.A. Milhofer

Das goldene Buch des Orient Teppichs by S.A. Milhofer

Die Teppichkunst, Der Gegenwart, Wesen und Technik, Geschichte und Stilistikk

This beautiful rug book by the renowned rug expert S.A. Milhofer compressively covers most types of antique oriental rugs. It is well illustrated with 28 colour plates and 221 black and white plates as well as 94 drawings in the text which give pictorial description of the magnificent variety of symbols, motifs, patterns and artistic styles which populated the world of oriental rugs and carpets in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Hardcover: 434 pages with 28 color Plates 221 black and white plates and many illustrations and schemes
Publisher: Fackeltrager-Verlag Schmidt-Kuster, Hannover (1962); First Edition 
Language: German.

Price: Call


Seven Hundred Years of Oriental Carpets by Kurt Erdmann

Seven Hundred Years of Oriental Carpets by Kurt Erdmann

For centuries Oriental carpets have enriched both mosques and churches, and have been treasured possessions in East and West. Since their recognition as collector's items in the second half of the nineteenth century, antique pieces have been increasingly sought after and have assumed an important position in scholarly literature.

The basis of the excellent study Seven Hundred Years of Oriental Carpets is a series of fifty one articles which Professor Kurt Erdmann, as the journal's consultant on antique carpets, contributed to Heimtex from 1960 until his death in 1964. At that time he had already begun the preparation of the articles for publication in a book form, a task which has been completed by his widow, Dr Hanna Erdmann.

Kurt Erdmann aim was not so much to produce a manual or a complete history of Oriental carpet as to survey the entire field of study and to clarify some of the complex problems relating to carpets, thus providing a new basis for understanding of the whole subject. He deals with the development of carpet studies and with the importance of the colorful rugs depicted in Western paintings as a mean of dating various types. He discusses collections and their establishment and tells how at the turn of the 20th century curators, working unobtrusively in this beautiful new field, acquired old authentic masterpieces rugs at a price of old rags. He describes many important groups of carpets and give a comprehensive account of the Berlin collections and their WW2 war loses.

The world of the Oriental rug captivated Professor Kurt Erdmann's imagination. Throughout his long and distinguished career, he wrote many learned articles and books which did much to make this difficult subject comprehensively. In his lifetime he built up a unique mass of material for the study of Oriental carpets and his untimely death was a great loss to rug scholarship. This book represents the mature fruits of many years of preoccupation with the whole art of the Orient and with its carpets in particular.

Hardcover: 238 pages with 20 color plates and 286 black and white plates 
Publisher: Faber and Faber Limited, London (1970); Edited by Hanna Erdman; Translated by May H. Beattie and Hildegard Herzog; First English Edition 
Language: English.

ISBN-10: 057109250 0 / 0-571-09250-0 

Price: Call


Islamic Rugs by Kudret H.Turkhan

Islamic Rugs by Kudret H.Turkhan

Islamic Rugs, a practical account of the knowledge gained during a life spent among oriental rugs, was written in gratitude for the good fortune and extraordinary coincidences which enabled the author, to pursue this fascinating study. The author Kudret H.Turkhan, a third generation to a family of rugs dealers and traders describes his childhood as follows:

"I myself spent my whole life handling rugs. I am a Turk from the Caucasus and it was near Hile, a small village 250 miles from Baku on the peninsular of Apsheron, that my grandfather, an important chieftain, had a large estate where he kept one of the finest collections of rugs one could imagine. My childhood was spent surrounded by these wonderful pieces and I would listen to my grandfather, Aga Shamsi Bey Assadullah Zade, and the rest of the family, nearly all of whom were great experts, discussing rugs, their provenance and the craftsmanship that had gone into their making."

This book will enable the new collector to increase his knowledge and will guide him as to the best ways to enrich his collection without looking for great bargains or exceptional opportunities. I hope that Islamic Rugs will also inspire in the reader the same fervor for the subject which has directed the author throughout his life.

Hardcover: 112 pages with 18 pages of color plates and 32 pages of black and white plates as well as 8 line drawings and 4 maps
Publisher: Arthur Barker Limited, London (1968); Edited by Lynne Thornton; First Edition 
Language: English.

ISBN-10: 0213764733 / 0-213-76473-3 

Price: Call


Oriental Rugs: An Illustrated Guide by Hermann Haack

Oriental Rugs: An Illustrated Guide by Hermann Haack

This book by the renowned rug expert Hermann Haack is the ultimate guide for the layman with no specialist knowledge. I think that following two citations from two of the leading collectors magazine, The Connoisseur Magazine and the Country Life Magazine published shortly after the book came out, will give you the best idea about its contents and approach.

Country Life Magazine:

"A readily obtainable guide to the study of Oriental rugs has long been needed in English. It should be stimulating and informative but not too discouragingly detailed, and it should indicate how to pursue this delightful but difficult subject. Hermann Haack's Oriental Rugs meets these requirements. After a good historical review it deals with the materials and manufacture of rugs. There is a general information about the main weaving centers, with sections on characteristic designs and dies. Finally comes some sound counsel on care, a bibliography and a useful index.... The layman who starts with no special knowledge of this subject will have made considerable progress if he masters all the facts in Oriental Rugs."

The Connoisseur Magazine:

"The classic hand woven carpets of Persia, Anatolia, the Caucasus and Central Asia are today collector's pieces. Here their rich, harmoniously distributed colours, their flowing arabesques or infinitely detailed mosaic field are faithfully reproduced in splendid photographs.... The book can be recommended as a work which will give sound and helpful guidance to the enquirer."

Hardcover: 76 pages with 8 color plates and 36 black and white plates;  a fold up map of carpet-makings regions is included
Publisher: Faber and Faber Limited, London (1964); Edited and translated by George and Cornelia Wingfield Digby 
Language: English.

Price: Call


Teppiche Aus Dem Kaukasus by Urlich Schurmann

Teppiche Aus Dem Kaukasus by Urlich Schurmann

A detailed presentation of the art of carpet weaving in the various districts of the Caucasus during the 18th and 19th century by Dr. Urlich Schurmann who organized the first exhibition of Caucasian carpets at the Hamburg Museum of Arts and Crafts in 1961.  This beautiful and revised edition was produced in response to the interest stimulated by that exhibition, describes all carpets which were exhibited. Each carpet illustration of high quality color plate is accompanied with a detailed description of the rug in both German and English - an indispensable reference for oriental Caucasian rugs collectors.

Hardcover: 359 pages with 160 full color high quality illustrations 
Publisher: Klinkhardt & Biermann, Braunschweig (1964); First Edition 
Language: German & English.

Price: Call


Antique Rugs from the Near East by Bode & Kuhnel

Antique Rugs from the Near East by Bode and Kuhnel

Wilhelm von Bode and Ernst Kuhnel have enjoyed a world-wide reputation for the first half of the 20th century as the only existing short and practical yet comprehensive monograph on the rugs of the Near East in so far as they belong to the classical period from the 13th to 17th century. The 4th edition of this handbook appeared in 1955, not as a mere revision but in large part completely rewritten by Ernst Kuhnel, taking recent researches into account and emphasizing to a greater degree that before the evolution of various group and types of rugs and carpets.

For the English edition, the author has chosen to make a number of additional improvements and Charles Grant Ellis of the Hajji Baba Club, with fine understanding, has provided a smooth, thoroughly competent translation fully suited to the needs of English and American readers, while adding a few observations of his own.

Hardcover: 187 pages with 122 illustrations 
Publisher: G. Bell & Sons, London (1970); Fourth, revised edition, translated by Charles Grant Ellis; First English Edition 
Language: English.

ISBN-10: 071351616X / 0-7135-1616-X

Price: Call

Oriental Rugs and Carpets - Private Collection

Item: B1011 - Antique Oriental Rug Books

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