Lithograph no 7 by Nahoum Cohen on ECOLOGY: a Poem by Meir Wieseltier - הצייר והארכיטקט נחום כהן - ליתוגרפיות

Lithograph no 7 by Nahoum Cohen on ECOLOGY: a Poem by Meir Wieseltier - הצייר והארכיטקט נחום כהן - ליתוגרפיות לפואמה של מאיר ויזלטיר

I have seen harsh sights
Pregnant with ecological hazard;
My own angelic siren
Becomes a drowning cow.

Our numbers dwindle daily
Even the sea recedes;
Our knowledge sails ahead
And we just follow after.

Our numbers dwindle daily
Even the sea recedes;
Our knowledge sails ahead
And we just follow after.

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