Photography Year Book 1968 - 'Instant humour' by J. E. Rackham on the left - A newspaper seller by J. B. Tresman on the right - ספר הצילום השנתי של 1968

Photography Year Book 1968 - 'Instant humour' by J. E. Rackham on the left - A newspaper seller by J. B. Tresman on the right - ספר הצילום השנתי של 1968

'Instant humour' on the left aroused by the inescapable likeness of the Dudley Zoo, Britain, animal's similarity of pose to that of Rodin's famous sculptured Thinker. Apart from superb texture - tribute both to the Elmar 136 mm of the Leica M-series and to photographer Rackham's judgment and technique - the intelligence and intensity of the animal's expression is remarkable. Photographer: J. E. Rackham Camera: Leica M3, Lens:f/4 135 mm Elmar, Aperture:f/8, Shutter speed: 1 /250 sec, Lighting: Available, Film: Kodak Tri-X Developer:D76 Paper: Kodak Bromide Grade 3 developed D163

A newspaper seller in Stratford, London. A dirty grey October morning which, comments the photographer, may account for the belligerent expression of the subject. The simplicity of composition, the balance achieved by the inclusion of the hand on hip, and the challenge of the direct stare result in a strong, strikingly successful portrait. Photographer: J. B. Tresman, Camera: Mamiya C3, Lens: f/3-5 105 mm Mamiya-Sekor, Lighting: Early morning daylight, Film: Ilford FP3, Developer: Acutol, Paper: Agfa Brovira, Grade 5 developed in Neutol

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